Hunter’s Rein, located in Otego NY, hosted Chensego’s 1st Horse Show for 2015. This is the first of seven shows scheduled for the 30th Anniversary year.
Turn-out was fantastic, with a field packed of trailers and eager competitors. Divisions had healthy competition, often averaging 8 riders per class. The weather was warm for May, but the sunshine was appreciated.
As the 30th Anniversary year – Chensego is hosting TWO special classes:
The LVS Handy Hunter Challenge &
The LVS 2′ Medal
Both special classes are sponsored by Leatherstocking Veterinary Services.
- The LVS Handy Hunter Challenge is offering $500 in prize money at the end of year to the Horse that accumulates the most points, in addition to prizes. Points are given based on Placing 1st – 6th (7,5,4,3,2,1 points collectively). Prize Money break out is $150, $110, $75, $60, $55, $50.
- Congratulations to the winner of the May 3rd LVS Handy Hunter: “Dominator” ridden by Taylor Trombley
- The LVS 2′ Medal is offering year end prizes to the Rider that accumulates the most points (following the same point structure as above).
- Congratulations to the winner of the May 3rd 2′ LVS Medal Class: Allison Wybluski on “Navigator”
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